Victini’s Searing Shots (VSS)
Samurott-trelonbarrett123 (60th)
3.Panpour-joshytje5 (absorbed from KJS)
Blitzle-kietgreen (41st)
Darmanitan-ajthespriter06 (59th)
5.Scrafty-redfrog45 (absorbed from KJS)
Tirtouga-MultiMariofan123 (addon) (46th)
7.Swanna-kevandkeith42120 (absorbed from KJS)
Emolga-NightBlastingSkitty (51st)
Elgyem-Typemania (52nd)
Heatmor-StepSoneful (43rd)
Keldeo’s Justice Swords (KJS) (Formed Elim 1; Dissolved Elim 10)
1.Pignite-gopokemon121(moved to GDA elim 10)
2.Panpour-joshytje5(moved to VSS elim 10)
Krookodile-62cobalion (addon) (48th)
3.Scrafty-redfrog45(moved to VSS elim 10)
4.Carracosta-CharmanderIsAwesome (addon)(moved to MRS elim 10)
5.Swanna-kevandkeith42120(moved to VSS elim 10)
6.Keldeo(Resolute)-Franky494(moved to MRS elim 10)
Meloetta’s Relic Singers (MRS)
Audino-monok1998 (58th)
Scolipede-vidiogamemaster101 (addon)(36th)
7.Carracosta-CharmanderIsAwesome (addon) (absorbed from KJS)
Deerling-FallingUpStars (addon)(49th)(quit)
Cubchoo-less4u2c (40th)
10.Keldeo(Resolute)-Franky494 (absorbed from KJS)
Meloetta(Pirouette Form)-PokeDiva101(68th)
Genesect’s Drive Arsenal(GDA)
Servine-therox94 (addon) (55th)
Serperior-BOOLOVER57 (62nd)
2.Pignite-gopokemon121 (absorbed from KJS)
Excadrill-TheACF12 (66th)
Cottonee-eddyjose fuentes (addon)(42nd)
Vanilluxe-DoubleJEspejwan6 (61st)
Galvantula-chimchar279 (54th)
Golurk-PoryfulZ (39th)
10.Durant-WoodenfanLast time the Keldeo's Justice Swords dissolved leaving only three teams left in this game. The remaining KJS members were absorbed into other teams and Vanilluxe-DoubleJEspejwan6 and Reuniclus-tpidude73 returned! However they would be put into teams after this elimination. In the immunity challenge that revealed the contestants' taste in Pokemon music, the VSS won immunity, meaning the MRS and GDA will each vote someone off. Actually, only one team had to vote. I'll explain more after these confessionals
Snivy-LolliPopGirlMeow(GDA): who in the world wanna hear Lavender Town music. Didn't they would get seizure after hearing it?
Axew-yymastaconfuctious(VSS): YES! We finally won another challenge! About bloody time! Team VSS is the shizz! Let's keep this up guys! WOO!
Escavalier-TheMysterious2634(GDA): I have to start thinking about the late game, and I think you would allign with this one group. That group would crush me. Why not get one out now when it's easy?
Durant-Woodenfan(GDA): So far in the game, I can taste it! Well, that is, if I can taste anything...what do Durants eat? Steel?
Leavanny-masterofflam(GDA): Darn! I hope I don't get eliminated for missing the challenge. I feel horrible about, but life has been driving me crazy right now. Lets hope we pull off a win next time though! Go GDA!!! :D
Zebstrika-TheZappingZebstrika(MRS): it sucks that we lost and it sucks that we had a quitter, but on the bright side, I'm safe, we don't have to vote, and I was gonna vote off the guy that quit anyways:)
Joltik-ShinyStoutland(GDA): Sorry buddy, it’s your time to go.
Swanna-kevandkeith42120(VSS): I'm finally on a winning team. I just hope VSS keeps this up. The less I have to vote before merge the better.So for Meloetta's Relic Singers, they are exempt from the vote since Carracosta-CharmanderIsAwesome quit the game.
34th place: Carracosta-CharmanderIsAwesome. Unfortunately we've had a few quitters already but what can you do? He's got some things to sort out with his real life and hopefully things get better for him. Glad you were able to complete as long as you could.
Now for Genesect's Drive Arsenal. It was a 5-3-2 vote between Leavanny, Ferrothorn, and Bisharp. Leavanny and Ferrothorn both forgot to do the challenge. I'm not sure why Bisharp is here since he hasn't done anything wrong. The first player safe with 2 votes is.......................Ferrothorn. Alright so either Leavanny or Bisharp will be the first one voted off of the post dissolution GDA. And with 3 votes, the last player safe is.......................................LEAVANNY!
Bisharp-regice112. What can I say? This is a perfect example of a blindside. Ok maybe not that perfect since maybe you didn't do that well in this last challenge and a few others but still it was a shocking result since you did the challenge unlike Leavanny and Ferrothorn. Interesting....
Also, the two returning players will fill those posts. For doing better in challenge 11 than Reuniclus, Vanilluxe won the advantage of picking his team first. Vanilluxe-DoubleJEspejwan6 chose to join the Genesect Drive Arsenal. That means Reuniclus-tpidude73 will join Meloetta's Relic Singers. Interestingly Vanilluxe and Reuniclus are rejoining the teams that voted them off before.
A lot has changed in this game. We're down to our final 32 (including 2 more returners coming at a later time) and each of the three teams still have 10 players. But the votes will be more complicated as more twists loom.
Thanks for playing CharmanderIsAwesome and regice112
Challenge 12
This challenge is simple. Send me an interesting piece of trivia that has to do with an aspect of Unova or Unova itself. It can be a Pokemon trainer from Unova. A Pokemon from Unova. A location from Unova. As long as it has something to do with Unova. The more interesting your trivia is, the better. Also, no copying. I prefer a wider selection of trivia so don't all give me trivia about the same topic. The team that does the best job and participates the most wins immunity. 2nd place votes off 1 player. 3rd place votes off 2 players. The challenge ends in about 32 hours (so a bit later than 8 AM October 1st, 2013). If you have any further questions or concerns, let me know.
The following players have strikes
Leavanny-masterofflam(1 strike)
Lilligant-clilmama33830(1 strike)
Ferrothorn-2319mi(1 strike)
Interesting how all the players with strikes are Grass type Pokemon. Alright so get going! But please comment on this blog post with your reactions to Elimination 11! Much appreciated :)