Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Challenge 9 tracking and results

Ok so let's see how things are going. If a player did the challenge, I post their answers next to their names. With MRS and GDA in first place with 10 players each, this is a good chance for VSS (9 left) or KJS (8 left) to catch up.

Victini’s Searing Shots (VSS) (6/9 did the challenge)
"the top three reason I love pokemon is because they have great games and my favorite season was the first and my favorite pokemon is squirtle there are my 3 reasons thanks bye"
"1. It has been with me since I was a kid. My first game was Pokemon, and though I sucked bawls at it, it has been with me since the beginning. I still have my Blue Cartridge .. its in storage at the moment with most of my GBC games .. but I still own it and treasure it. I would never sell it for any sum of money.

2. The Variety, there is something for everyone, and if what you want isn't there, there is always a chance that the design you wanted will be added somehow. There are now over 700 Pokemon with X and Y coming out for Christ's sake, there is something for you.

3. The adventure. Each game brings something new, and each adventure is different. You never take the exact same path, or meet the same Pokemon. You never always choose the same ones either, and there are so many combinations that it brings the Pokemon and the game close to your heart so you remember it dearly. "
3.Blitzle-kietgreen(1 strike)
"1st thing I love about pokemon is that this game is the first thing that me and my big bro started to bond with I never know about this game in till my brother played red and blue and I watched him and he taught me about it a bit and we just bonded over it and anything like that that helps me bond with my family is something il always love just like survivor <33

2nd thing I love about it is the variation of gameplay u can play any pokemon game different evertime u can start off with three different paths with the starter pokmon and u can choose your team each time and for my personally i change my team each time I play to make it different and more challenging and get to know about all pokemon in the region im in

3rd thing I love is the challenge of it and the concept of getting 8 badges and getting to the top to become the champ and having to face every trainer along the way and even a evil organization yea sometimes I get stuck by a gym leader but that's the beauty of it it can stump you but I always triumph after doing some training"

5.Petilil-pokemonand9(1 strike)
6.Zoroark-firefang20(1 strike)
"1)The games are lots of fun, and good at keeping one occupied for hours

2)They've pretty much made a Pokemon out of anything you can imagine.
3)Pokemon, if trained right, can be among one's most loyal friends. (I know this one sounds weird, but I just don't have much I can think of.)

There you go, 3 things I love the most about Pokemon. Hope this meets to your satisfaction."
"1. Its probably the only turn based rpg that I accrually enjoy with loads of possiblilities.

2. It is one of the first games Ive ever played, just behind Kingdom Hearts.

3. It is really addicting, I dont really know how to explain how, it just is"

"3 things I like about Pokemon;

The customazation: I like the fact you can pick the moves, items and stats (when using the vitamins) on the Pokemon because it really a helps invest your time in making your team, forming a bond with them.
The music: There are many great songs in the games ranging from the rival battle to N's goodbye. The music helps set the tone to what's happening in the game at that moment, from the first battle, a major event to the final battle against the Elite 4.
The Pokemon themselves: There are so many Pokemon in the game, it gives you many options on how your team is. There are also many good designs. Also it's easy to accuss RPG, making people who think the genre is too hard for them an easy way to get into them."

Keldeo’s Justice Swords (KJS) (6/8 did the challenge)
"I LOVE THE EVOLUTIONS because they just get cooler and cooler and I love to see how they improve an already good pokemon. The tournaments I also love because as you can see by joining camps I love competition and last but not least...Treecko. I. Love. Treecko. He's a very cool headed pokemon and I LOVE THAT. And when I saw an epidode of the show when Tropius stole his girl I almost cried."
"1. I love all the different pokemon designs, they look so amazing and fascinating

2. I love strategizing for a battle, it really makes you think
3. I love playing the games, and exploring the different towns in it, discovering new pokemon, all that kinda stuff"
3.Sandile-nintendofan204(1 strike)
"3. The strategy of the battling. I like games where you have to predict your opponent. I like how just because you might have the strongest move in the game, doesn't necessarily mean you're going to win the match. There's a whole lot of other factors, and it's pretty cool how you could run two matches with the same Pokemon on both sides and get two completely different outcomes just because of things like natures, EVs, and IVs.

2. (These other two are going to be cheesy but I don't care) The camps. Well, if Pokemon didn't exist, we wouldn't have half of these camps now would we? And maybe some of us wouldn't have even gotten started with camps at all? I know if I hadn't entered Total Pokemon Outsiders, I probably wouldn't have entered another camp besides my first one where I felt I was unfairly voted out. So in a way Pokemon has brought a lot of us in this community together. And its awesome that we're having Pokemon battles and stuff with people on different sides of the country or even different sides of the world.

1. The fact that most of my best friends play Pokemon too. Its fun to just freak out about the newest update about X and Y or rage about whatever Gym Leaders have given us a hard time. After all, playing through a game is fun on its own but when you can fight against your own friends teams too, it becomes even better."

"The three reasons why I love pokemon. This is a tough choice because there are so many reasons one could love pokemon. I would have to say my reasons are pokemon is entertaining to play/watch, it has characters that you quickly grow to like, and while it is simple it can also be very strategic.

Pokemon over the years has become a wide variety of things including the handheld games, anime, card game, console games, and the series in general. One of the main reasons I've stuck by the series (Even if I haven't fully completed a game in a while) is because of the entertainment it brings. Since the 1990's with Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow pokemon has been something to entertain people. While it's target audience is probably children from around 8-13 it appeals to a wider audience because of the classic fans and the "cult" following it has. The card game and anime are also entertaining or were at some point in time. They may have a harder time spreading out into a larger audience than the handheld games, but they still have a certain appeal to them.

Appeal is not just something you do in a pokemon contest it is what can draw people in. Characters like Ash, Misty, Brock, and May are easy to like after a short period of time. It's not hard to want to root for them. Even if you realize Jessie, James, and Meowth are technically the "bad guys" they are also hard not to like because they can be very funny (Until more recent parts where they are not as involved) because of their role as comedic relief. While I don't frequent the anime nearly as much as I did when I was kid (When I watched it a lot during the first 4 seasons or so) it still produces characters like Iris and Cilan that are easy to relate to after watching it.

The final reason I like pokemon is the strategy. Pokemon is a very simple game you attack to try and best your opponent. However, you also need to be strategic with level advantage, type advantage, and training your pokemon. While pokemon may not match games like chess is the strategic aspect it is hard to go into a gym battle without planning at least a little in advance. I mean would you want to go into the first rock gym with a bug type and a fire type? I know I wouldn't. Sometimes you even need to use this strategy to take out harder pokemon like Whitney's Miltank or Clay's Excadrill."

6.Virizion-TheLazyRiku(1 strike)
"The 3 things I love most about pokemon

1. How its advanced from gen 1 to Gen 5 (Or 6). It started off black and white, bad quality and is now fully human like.

2. The Variety of types. I really enjoy the types, even Electric and Normal which are my worst.

3. Training your pokemon. TRAINING, Unlike most people who wish pokemon would just train by there self, I actually like to train them. I've never even used the day care (Y'know to level up). I also love battling trainers and battle with care and consideration. I don't neccesarily pick the super-effectiv move as you never know a typo could mean the pokemon having the ability sturdy"

"3 things I like about Pokemon is:

1. The Creativity: All the Pokemon are unique. I wouldn't be able to think of any Pokemon that they should


2. The games: The games are so addicting. I would sit hours on end playing the games without taking a break.

4. Fan-made: Without Pokemon, you wouldn't have the Total Pokemon Island and other fan made Pokemon 


Meloetta’s Relic Singers (MRS) (7/10 did the challenge)
"1- I really love the design of each pokemon. They all look different (for the most part) and all seem like they took time to be made.

2-I love like, all their names. Their names seem like they took forever to come up with and I feel as though I would never be able to come up with them.

3-I love the typing range, how many different types their are! And they all have their own strengths and
"1.Three things I love about pokemon is one that it was my favorite childhood game,and it's still my favorite up to date.

2.Two is that pokemon is very interesting to me like the story creatures were just born into the pokemon world,and now trainers train their pokemon to be the best at whatever.

3.Pokemon is can get competitive in tournaments for games.I like to compete a lot in pokemon to try out various pokemon."

"This challenge I'll have to admit is rather difficult. There are so many things about Pokemon I love and enjoy.

The first thing would have to be the creativity of it. Each Pokemon is different in it's own special way, and a lot of work is put into each one. None is like another. Although, not all Pokemon are strong, they all have their uses.

The second thing about Pokemon that I enjoy is the persistence. Every time they come out with more Pokemon they get so much hate from us. But they don't quit. They continue to make more, because the same people that hate on them, buy the games. Then, they slowly grow to love them. At first, I hated V Gen. But after the games, I've grown to adore them. At this moment, I am not looking forward to XI Gen, but I'm sure I will in the long run.

The third, but not last thing I enjoy about Pokemon is love. The creators have found a way for us to grow close to, and love Pokemon, almost as we would our pets. The creators do a good job with Pokemon and allow us to grow a bond with them.

So my entry is rather lengthy, and I chose to base my thoughts after how the creators have made Pokemon enjoyable, rather then Pokemon itself. I hope that this is acceptable."

4.Lilligant-clilmama33830(1 strike)
"One thing I like about Pokemon is it's dueling type battle system. Unlike games in the past before Pokemon existed, you would just have to hit and kill enemies, hoping you wouldn't get killed. (Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Metroid, etc.)

The second thing I like about Pokemon is it's open world enviroment, you can go to any route available and explore it's vast possibilities.

One last thing I like about Pokemon is it's variety of the Pocket Monsters itself, each having different or slightly altered abilities, moves, experience, and so much more that can make any Pokemon a favorite or even a least favorite."

"One of my favorite things about pokemon is variety. It might sound weird at first but the fact that gamefreak decided to make more regions and more pokemon and more types is what I like the most. Another thing I like about pokemon is the games, but not just the main Catch n' Battle games, I really like the other games too like Rumble, Ranger, Dash, Snap and many more. All of the games are really good, the graphic is amazing and the whole concept of each of the games is easy, yet fascinating , BUT the best thing of all is that there is variety in the games and that's what makes them so good. The last thing I like about pokemon is the pokemon contests. It's because of them I'm watching pokemon now. They they were very different from the ordinary pokemon battles and really stylish and beautiful. These contests actually gave the female character more screentime and lines and I thought that it was a good idea."
7.Cubchoo-less4u2c(1 strike)
"1. I love fighting the gym leaders and boss battles with my pokemon

2. I love leveling up pokemon, I also love the send of accomplishment when you beat the game and it's pokemon so the repeatability is endless, if you play with different pokemon every time.

3. It's POKEMON!!! People say it's for little kids but I love the series so much and I hope it never ends

Sorry that it isn't long my friend was over all day and as soon as she went home I watched a movie"


concept of the games
gym leaders and enemy team messing with legendary pokemon"
10.Scolipede-vidiogamemaster101(1 strike)

Genesect’s Drive Arsenal(GDA) (8/10 did the challenge)
"What I love most about Pokemon?

1. Because they are like friends of us. I still remember when I was a kid, I just love play with my Pokemon toys, fight with Pokemon in Pokemon fire red. I just love if Pokemon were real. They are just my own imaginary friend when I was a kid.

2. I also love how the Pokemon series goes. And, I also love Team rocket repeatly trying to catch Pokemon in a silly way. Even we can't stand them, I can stand them because they just funny when they appear. And my favourite Pokemon character when I was a kid is Misty. Even we know that sometimes she might be a bitchy person, but hey she's got some funny personality.

3. Pokemon sometimes can be mention on everything like a cancer name. (( just look at 10 interesting things about Pokemon )) I still remember the episode cause kids to get seizures, the military jut created a seizure gun after it airs. And, I also know how the creator of Pokemon says he created Pokemon from his bugs collection. Pokemon is kinda like our fictional friend. They can be with our side even we know that we are too old with Pokemon. But hey, they inspired us when were kids...."

"-I love the feeling you get when you open that brand new Pokemon game, full of new Pokemon to get to know and meet. I love seeing new Pokemon and I would love for them to make more forever!

-I love how the story never ends. In most games, you reach the end, face the boss, and win and that's it. Whereas in Pokemon you can never end the story. Pokemon are always waiting to be caught and trained.

-I enjoy training Pokemon to evolve. That is probably my favorite thing in the game. Getting a close bond to your Pokemon and then when they evolve, it's like it shows off your hard work and efforts of raising that Pokemon."

3.Scraggy-ForrestMightyena247(1 strike)
"It has replay value.It has many creatures.And I like RPGS."
"I love Pokémon because it's an interesting game. I love the catch/train/battle mechanic and evolution. I also love the designs. Some are cute, some are cool, and some are weird! It's just a never-ending trail of creativity! The next thing I love about Pokémon is the fanbase. While some are annoying genwunners, the majority is a large group of people with so many different ideas for Pokémon. Every new game that comes out, the people who are true pokemon fans support and protect the game. It's so awesome to play with community."
"In Pokemon, I love how it somehow draws you in with the gameplay factors. For instance, having the Pokeathlon in HGSS, the Battle Frontier in many games, and the Contests in PDPt. I also love all the designs for the Pokemon. People say the hate Pokemon's designs, but I love them all. For instance, there might be a lot of cat Pokemon, but they are all different. Meowth is more fierce. Skitty is more happy, and Glameow is prissy. I love how every generation brings new factors, places, and Pokemon."
"I love pokemon because...

It's cool to see the different kinds of designs for pokemon they create

The amazing artwork in the pokemon games

The object of the game: it's plain and simple, catch pokemon around the region, i love it!"

8.Golurk-PoryfulZ(1 strike)
"I love pokemon. It's a great franchise that has grown up with the original fans. I love the fact that they attempt to do something new every game. 2nd I love the mysteries behind some of these games.(I.E. Lavender Town) Finally, I love how original some of the designs are when it comes to the pokemon."
"1. I love the variety of Pokemon you can catch and train. You can even make terrible Pokemon work if you use them right.

2. I love the music. Each game has at least one musical track that I love listening to.

3. I love the scenery. Each game has so many memorable setpieces and it's really fun to explore new areas in a world for hidden goodies."

Final Standings for this challenge

1st place: Keldeo's Justice Swords (immune)
2nd place: Genesect's Drive Arsenal (vote off 1)
3rd place: Meloetta's Relic Singers (vote off 1)
4th place: Victini's Searing Shots (vote off 1)

Congratulations on immunity, KJS. As for the other 3 teams, time to send one teammate packing. And honestly I'm not that annoyed that this many people didn't do the challenge because at least you guys are active most of the time. At least there's that. Voting ends roughly around this time (3 pm) tomorrow and then I'll start the next challenge. College starts in 9 days for me and this next week will be crazy so we'll try to move as efficiently as possible.

Be sure to explain your vote. Confessionals and blog comments are greatly appreciated. Also if you want to give me some inside information like your thoughts on certain players or your alliances (which will be kept secret, just you and me), I'd appreciate that as well. Should be an interesting elimination. A lot to consider with this vote.

Twitter: @vaporterra
YouTube: www.youtube.com/vaporterra

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